As most of you know, our home was flooded on May 2nd, and we moved in with GranGran and Poppa while it was being repaired. We moved back into our "new" house on August 29th and are trying to get settled in and caught up on all the things that didn't get done this summer.
We are so thankful to all of our family and friends for the support given to us during this time!
Here are the highlights from July through the beginning of September and I'll try to get the rest of the summer and Ella Tate's birthday up soon! Enjoy!
Hunter and I took Ella Tate to a sounds game at the beginning of July and the famous San Diego (I think) chicken was there and she loved him and talked about him for months!
Lipscomb fireworks with the Watson's
(I don't know what's up with these first for pictures!)
Look at those long legs
Ella Tate and Mommy being silly Playing outside and GranGran and Poppa's house
Playing with GranGran's headband and sunglasses!
Ella Tate loved all of time she got to spend with her GranGran and Poppa while we were there this summer!
Eating some of Nana's good pancakes on Saturday morning

My parents had the youth group from their church over for fishing and a cookout. Ella Tate was right in the middle of all of it, including the crickets! YUCK!

Spending the night with Rachel, Jeff and Olivia. Olivia made a tent our of kitchen chairs and blankets and Ella Tate thought it was so neat!
My grandmother passed away on August the 5th. This was our last real visit with her (July 21st) and Ella Tate was so sweet holding her hand.

Ella Tate's first time at VBS. She LOVED it and came home every night WIRED up and singing all of the songs she learned!
Grayson, Nolen, Ella Tate, Ford and Sophia
The Three Amigos (or Stooges) one night after VBS
Ella Tate was SO excited to have Kenzie as her VBS teacher. We LOVE Mark and Kenzie and can't wait until their wedding in November!
My parents had the youth group from their church over for fishing and a cookout. Ella Tate was right in the middle of all of it, including the crickets! YUCK!
Spending the night with Rachel, Jeff and Olivia. Olivia made a tent our of kitchen chairs and blankets and Ella Tate thought it was so neat!
Sounds Game with the Young Families from church.
Ella Tate's first funnel cake. I think she'll be as big of a fan of it as her daddy is!
Three hot and tired kids

Olivia, Anna and Luke with Ella Tate at Guthrie's in Moulton, AL
Pop found my old riding horse in the barn. Ella Tate LOVED riding on it!
Drinking out of a big girl cup at Nana and Pop's
Hannah and Ella Tate at Lauren's baby shower
The "Ones" and our Schrimps (we missed you Bethany and Camille)
Delta Sigma "Sisters" (we missed you Shelley and Christy)
Mary Elizabeth's 4th Birthday
Turner's 6th Birthday
Nothing like eating lunch in your diapers with one of your best buddies!
Ella Tate loves her cousin, Mary Elizabeth
Ella Tate loved this sitting at this table and coloring at GranGran and Poppa's, but one day I found her sitting on top of it watching tv
I caught Pop napping while Ella Tate watched Sesame Street
September 2010
Daddy and Ella Tate watching football (I finally broke down and "let" Hunter get a recliner!
Daddy and Ella Tate watching football (I finally broke down and "let" Hunter get a recliner!
They both love it!)
The Greek Festival
I'm so glad that Ella Tate didn't realize that you could go inside the fence b/c petting zoos FREAK me out!
Eating some yummy food under the big tent
(I just realized that Ella Tate has the same bow in her hair in just about all of the pictures...she does have other bows, but this one goes with everything!)
Eating some yummy food under the big tent